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We believe that it takes a community of believers to raise a child of God (and by God's grace, that's all of us).


Through these ministries we learn about God and His amazing grace and love for us. We also learn that God has placed us in community because we need each other to grow up in faith and love, so that, together, we would love and serve God in all we do and love each other as He loves us.

Cadets & GEMS

Cadets is a club for boys aged 9-13 and GEMS is a club for girls aged 9-13. They meet at the church on Tuesday evenings from 7:00-8:30 from September - April. Through these clubs, we seek to help bring boys and girls into a living relationship with Jesus Christ and help them develop into the people God has created them to be.

Small Group Ministry

Small groups meet throughout the week at the church or in peoples homes. While we value Sunday worship and it is important for our spiritual lives, we realize that more is needed in order for us to mature in our faith. Small groups knit us together as a family, and are the central means by which we grow in friendship and spiritual maturity. In these groups we study the Bible together, share meals, and share life with one another. 

Many groups will use resources from RightNow Media (a "Netflix" of Bible study material) that we subscribe to as a church.

Children's Ministry

We offer a variety of Children's Ministry classes on Sunday morning during the worship service for children ages 3-12.

In each of these classes children will learn about God's great love for them in engaging and age-appropriate ways that include activities and crafts.

Youth Group

Youth meets weekly on Thursday evenings from 7-9 pm during the school year. All youth in grades 9-12 are invited to attend for a time of study, worship, fellowship, and fun.

Youth Group seeks to provide youth with a safe place to gather together, learn about God, ask tough questions, worship, play games, and grow in their faith.

Bible Lesson
Prayer Group
Women's Bible Study

Women's Bible study meets on Thursday mornings (9:30 am) at the church from September to April. Women of all ages are welcome to join for prayer, study, and fellowship.

Men's Ministry

Men's ministry meets once a month on a Saturday morning (at 8am) for breakfast, fellowship, and Bible Study at the church. These breakfasts provide men with an opporunity gather together, study God's Word, pray with one another, and grow in faith. Men of all ages are welcome!

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