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About us

Our Story:

Dixons Corners Community Christian Reformed Church (CRC) grew out of Williamsburg CRC in 1989. With the Williamsburg CRC growing beyond its building in the mid-1980's, a number of families decided to establish a new congregation west of Williamsburg, in the Brinston/Iroquois area.


For the first year and a half we met in the gym of the Dixons Corners school while funds were raised to construct a new church building. During our time at the school we felt God calling us to stay nearby in our new community, so we built just around the corner on Brinston Road. In this location, we are centrally located to engage with our local community and also with our greater community that spreads throughout Dundas county and beyond.


We are a member of the Christian Reformed Church in North America. As a "Reformed" church denomination, our roots go back to the sixteenth-century Reformation. We uphold the Bible as our foundational authority and we subscribe to the Reformed Confessions (Heidelberg Catechism, Belgic Confession, and Canons of Dort) as well as the historic Christian creeds (The Apostles’ Creed, Nicene Creed, and Athanasian Creed)For more information about the Christian Reformed Church, visit:

Our vision & Mission:

In response to God's love in Jesus Christ we strive to be a community that is passionate about loving God and all people, through:


  • Vibrant Worship of God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

  • Spiritual Growth that develops from obedience to God's Word.

  • Community Care that reaches out with the Gospel by embracing and walking alongside our neighbours and organizations.

  • Fervent Prayer at all times, for all things, and all people. Prayer is thanks-living. We do nothing till we pray.

Our Staff


Aaron Thompson




Karla Pool

Office Administrator



Patsy VanderMeulen



Glen & Lorraine Adams


Core Values

  • Biblical Teachingwe believe the Bible is the foundation of our faith and life.

  • Children / Youth / Young Adults - we believe that ministry to all generations is essential to the life of the church, in particular children, youth, and young adults as they are an important part of God's family.

  • Community - we believe that caring for those in relationship with Jesus and those not yet, is essential to the life of the church. 

  • Family - we believe that God instituted family as a safe place for all generations to share and model the Christian life. 

  • Joyful Giving - we believe that stewardship is essential to the Christian life; i.e. the giving of our time, spiritual gifts, resources, and finances.

  • Prayer - we believe that prayer shows our total dependence on God to change us and to bring others into a saving relationship with Him. 

  • Relationships - we believe that authentic relationships foster grace, trust, accountability, and forgiveness.

  • Spiritual Growth - we believe that spiritual growth is growing in grace and love for God and others. 

  • Worship - we believe that creative and culturally relevant authentic worship draws us into a growing relationship with our Triune God.

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